The head of a government high school in Kanker, Chhattisgarh, purportedly captured in a sting operation carried out by local villagers engaged in se*xual activity in the school. As a result, the district administration decided to suspend him from his position. Follow our website, SureLoaded, for the latest updates!!!!!
The administration has decided to place the principal on administrative leave.
A video posted on social media allegedly shows the school’s principal and a female staff member engaging in se*xual activity in the school’s storage room.
According to reports in the media, an audio clip that went viral teacher viral of the principal haggling with someone who offered him money for not uploading the film to the internet also circulated on social media websites.
After the locals filed their complaint with District Collector Chandan Kumar, the administration, on the other hand, began an investigation and ultimately decided to suspend the principal.
As a result of the receipt of a complaint, an investigation carried out, as stated by the District Education Officer TR Sahu.
As a result of the findings of the investigation, the teacher viral decided to place the principal on administrative leave on Thursday.