Atrioc, a well-known Twitch streamer, has since apologized for mistakenly disclosing that he visited a website with naked images of female streamers. Atrioc maintains he did not watch any streams he knew personally and was only drawn to the website by an internet advertisement.
Earlier today, a video of Atrioc’s most recent broadcast made the rounds on Reddit, showing the Twitch streamer with a browser tab open to a deepfake website. Although Atrioc just revealed its hashtag, users immediately recognized the website as the place to buy deep-fake nude photographs of numerous well-known Twitch divas.
Despite the fact that the video has now been taken down from Atrioc’s channel, Reddit user r/hotsauce652 uploaded additional proof. The user is said to have gotten in touch with the site’s creators, who asserted that Atrioc was using their platform and that their page was a deepfake with explicit material from well-known female streamers.
The anchor and his wife livestreamed the incident a few hours after Atrioc’s video became viral. The streamer said that the Pornhub ad had pulled him aside during the 14-minute apology, calling his conduct “disgusting” and “embarrassing.”
I put a lot of effort into my streams to establish a pattern of conduct because I want women in particular to feel safer on Twitch, Atrioc stated. “We forbid this behavior right away because we don’t support it. We constantly perform it.
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Atrioc continued by describing how he came upon the website. He claimed to have seen advertisements for it in a few movies, and his “morbid” curiosity caused him to click on the link. The Twitch streamer expressed sorrow for his behavior and emphasized that this is not typical of him or her.
No streamer or other Atrioc-related content maker has responded to the situation as of yet.