Who is Jena LaRose?
Jena LaRose, a content creator for OnlyF who earns approximately £40,000 per month at this time, claims that she has been subjected to thousands of negative comments on both OnlyF and TikTok. The Matlock resident, who is 22 years old, stated that others had told her she had “a Baywatch figure and a CSI face” and that she should “have a bag on her head.”
Despite the fact that her health is fragile, the money she has earned has paid for a breast augmentation procedure that cost £7,000, costly gifts for her friends and family, including a PS5, and worldwide trips.
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“It really stings when people criticize my appearance,” she remarked. Comments such as “she needs a bag over her head” are kind of hurtful, but after a while, you become accustomed to hearing things like that. The people who dislike me are the reason I am able to make £40,000 per month. If they hadn’t posted these comments, I wouldn’t be nearly as viral, and I wouldn’t have nearly as much success. Jena LaRose put the money she made toward her trip expenses and invested some of it on a high-end Mercedes that cost her $25,000 total. She has also been to Spain, Greece, and Dubai, and she adores the fact that she is able to continue working while she is away.
In spite of the fact that she had been educated as a lawyer, she came to the conclusion that she might make more money on adult platforms, and she made the decision to put her theory to the test once she graduated from college. She attributes her popularity on OnlyF to TikTok, adding that she plays a role on her TikTok channel where trolls who don’t understand it harass her because of it. According to Jena LaRose, “The primary factor that separates me from others in terms of my revenue is my TikTok.” It reflects more of my personality and has an almost comedic tone to it.
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“That’s not me; I just play the part.” I dressed up the character. Although I’m not the one doing it, everyone seems to assume it’s me, which is fine with me. I got started with OnlyF so that I could put enough money away for a deposit on a house. I’ve been doing this for over three years now, and initially, growth was modest. However, after 12 months, it started to take up, and I’ve been doing this. My first month earning $40,000 will be this month, and I’m on a roll right now; I’m hoping that momentum will carry over into the following month as well.