Kimmikka launched her Twitch channel and started streaming in July 2022. She was still new to the site and had a small following, but she was keen to expand it. Kimmikka, however, instantly became a huge internet star for all the wrong reasons. Twitch banned Kimmikka after a live video of her went popular on Reddit and Twitter. Follow our website, SureLoaded, for the latest updates!!!!!
Kimmikka Live Stream Incident
Social media users posted videos of Kimmikka’s relationship while she was live streaming, with her live stream’s hazy description of her activities receiving the most attention. Real-time viewers of the stream started to grow sceptical, though, after noticing some odd motions and adjustments to Kimmikka’s facial expressions.
Kimmikka’s Response
Kimmikka allegedly told Jake Luckey of Full Squad Gaming that the incident was the result of a drunken accident after it happened. As soon as she realised her error, she cut off the live stream. But the harm had already been done. Kimmikka was only subject to a seven-day ban from Twitch, but she now fears that as word of the incident spreads, the restriction may be prolonged.
Kimmikka’s Future on Twitch
Since that time, Kimmikka has been silent on social media. It is unknown at this time whether she will return to Twitch or another site. This episode should serve as a warning to content producers that everything they do or say during live streaming has the potential to go viral and have negative effects. Consequently, the links to the video are below.
Similar Incident with AIELIEEN1
Kimmikka is hardly the only streamer to receive negative media attention. Another well-known Twitch streamer, AIELIEEN1, is well-known for her streams and has had multiple bans.