Tiktoker Hareem Shah says that her friends Sandal Khattak and Ayesha Naz stole her racy videos and then shared them on social media. It’s important to note that social media is full of stories about how lewd Queen Harem Shah’s movies are. Shah is said to have done something inappropriate in a video shared online by an unknown person. TikToker keeps making headlines for all the wrong reasons, and now it’s been hit by a data hack. But Hareem Shah told reporters that while they were living with her, her friends and fellow Tiktokers Sandal Khattak and Ayesha Naz stole information from her phone. Follow our website, SureLoaded, for the latest updates!!!!!
Hareem Shah Toothpaste viral
She has promised to take Sandal Khattak and Ayesha Naz to court over the data breach.
Even with the leaks, Shah has an interesting Instagram feed and many fans on social media, which keeps her fans interested. Because of her style, wit, and fun content, she has over a million Instagram fans and is a well-known online influencer.
Colgate Hareem Shah
Shah, who is very popular on social media, has been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. She got a lot of attention after a famous video showed her spending a lot of foreign money and showed her husband and herself opening drinks. Her controversial actions were noticed, and the Sindh High Court told her she had to go to the FIA by April 18 for a money laundering investigation.
Hareem Shah Full Tooth ki
When Shah and her husband were caught in Turkey for smuggling gold and cash, her legal problems worsened. She had to deal with the legal consequences of her most recent acts, which got her in trouble.
Instagram Hareem Shah
You might now be curious to learn more about this widely circulated video in which we can see her in a compromised position with an unidentified person. This video has shocked many people and is causing them to ponder about a number of things. She has a large fan base across all of her social media platforms, and on Instagram, where she only has one follower, she has 293 K followers and 5023 photos.
Career & Profession of Hareem Shah
So you can go and locate her if you’re interested in viewing her Instagram photos and videos. She entered this field of employment in 2018, and she is absolutely stunning and gorgeous. She also faced a lot of criticism in 2019 as a result of a video that was shot inside the foreign ministry, and Prime Minister Imran Khan directed that Shah be the subject of an investigation.