Suddenly, Twitter and other social media platforms were flooded with the shooting incident relating posts. According to the reports, a shooting incident took place in Ontario, Canada on December 19, 2022. Shortly after the breaking out of this news, people started taking over the internet to search for the shooting in Canada which has long prided itself on being one of the safest cities in the world. But this shooting incident raised questions about Canada’s safety and security system. You are asked to stick with this column and take a look at the following sections of this article. Drag down the screen and follow it till the end. Follow More Updates on
Mass Shooting In Vaughan
In April 2020, Police did not disclose the type of weapon used in the latest incident. The sale of handguns was banned in Canada earlier this year in response to a mass shooting that saw 22 people killed in Nova Scotia. A gunman disguised as a policeman killed 22 people in the eastern province of Nova Scotia, Canada’s worst mass shooting. Thus the people of Canada have been horrified that they are moving toward US culture in terms of gun violence. Scroll down the page and read about the recent shooting incident that happened in Vaughan.
The Police Department of Canada said that an anonymous suspect began shooting in a residential complex in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada on December 19, 2022, shortly before 7:30 pm. Immediately, police in large volume responded to the shooting scene and evacuated the complex but later it was ensured that there was no further threat to the people. MacSween said they hoped to have people back in their apartments within hours. Where is the suspect? Who was he? Read more about the suspect in the Vaughan shooting in the next section. Drag down the page.
According to Ontario’s Special Investigation Unit, the gunman who started open firing in Vaughan was shot dead by the officers. SIU stated that some officers also sustained bullet injuries but the suspect was shot dead. According to the reports, five residents of Vaughan, Ontario also died, including a 73-year-old resident. Five people were killed by a gunman who went on a rampage in a suburban Toronto condo building before cops stormed and killed him. Stay tuned to this website for more updates and details.