Hip-hop girls who dare to publish explicit images and videos of themselves on OnlyFans have found the business to be quite lucrative. Iggy Azalea said she raised $307,000 within 24 hours of publishing her profile, while Bhad Bhabie claimed she made $1 million in less than six hours after going live on OnlyFans. The late FBG Duck’s mother now appears to want to get involved. Recently, LaSheena Weekly boasted on social media about the appeal of her seductive content to OnlyF.
To see Mother Duck talking about her OnlyF content, scroll ahead and skip to 1:00.
Lil Durk announced earlier this year that he would stop using the late rapper’s name in his songs, and on the anniversary of Duck’s passing, his family constructed a monument in Chicago. The rapper, who was shot in August, was called by his loved ones to FBG Duck Day this past weekend, where he was murdered.
At the occasion, Dak’s mother observed, “It’s been a difficult year; it’s been a long year.” “My son wasn’t here, yet we accomplished so much in a year that he wasn’t… I genuinely wanted to improve things for our children, our race, and our culture.
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Mama Duck LaSheena Weekly just addressed Hassan Campbell’s remark with the Wack 100 present on Clubhouse when she was in the Dummyboy Nation room. She also told BigTUPNext her story. Despite their open conflict, BigTUPNext and FBG Duck had sex. BigTUPNext states that they have been operational since 2013.