Sadly, at the age of 73, one of the most well-known television and serial actors, Javed Khan Amrohi, who played a barber in the hit comedy series Nukkad on Doordarshan, passed suddenly. It is sorry to read that the well-known actor has passed away, leaving his family and friends in ruins. The Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA) was actively involved with the Bollywood actor Javed Khan, who played roles in a number of the biggest blockbuster films, including Chak De India, Coolie No. 1, Hum Hain Rahi Pyaar Ke, Andaz Apna Apna, Laadla, and many others. Follow our website, SureLoaded, for the latest updates!!!!!
His admirers and loved ones are paying respect to him and expressing their condolences to the family members going through a terrible time after the news of his death were confirmed on social media. Many of his fans are now interested in learning what caused his abrupt death and how it occurred to him. Did he have a sickness of any kind? On social media, several rumours are now spreading. Danish Hussain, Javed’s brother, stated on Twitter, “Gutted to learn of #JavedKhanAmrohi Bhai’s passing. This season is one of my goodbyes.
Javed Khan Amrohi’s Death Reason?
A photo of Javed Ji was circulated on social media alongside the rest of the globe. The actor reportedly passed away after a protracted illness. He was an Indian actor born in Mumbai on March 24, 1949. In the 1970s, he started his acting career in theatre before moving on to cinema. Over the course of his career, he participated in more than 150 films and a handful of theatre shows. The actor made his film debut in 1973 with Jalte Badal and then played supporting roles alongside well-known Bollywood celebrities.
Aashiqui, Tridev, Woh 7 Din, and Satyam Shivam Sundaram were some of the actor’s most well-known films. In addition, he has performed in TV shows, including Gulzar’s Mirza Ghalib as Karim in Nukkad. Many prominent professional figures, like Sonal Kalra and Azmi Shabana, on social media, are paying tribute to the actor.
It was heartbreaking to read of Javed Khan Amrohi’s passing, Azmi Shabana commented. He was among our best IPTA actors. I send my sincere sympathies to the family and friends. He contributed significantly to the industry, which will live on in memory.